Dane techniczne kotłów kondensacyjnych Termet (1F)
Termocondens, Termocondens Plus i EconoMax
Termet Windsor
1 | SELECT name,value from setting | [0.0006s] | [37] |
2 | SELECT * from language where id='2' | [0.0004s] | [1] |
3 | SELECT * from profile t left join profile_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where t.id='1' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
4 | SELECT s.source,t.target from i18n_source s join i18n_catalog c on c.id = s.i18n_catalog_id left join i18n_target t on t.i18n_source_id=s.id and t.language_id = 2 where c.name='menu' and s.language_id = 2 | [0.0008s] | [31] |
5 | SELECT s.source,t.target from i18n_source s join i18n_catalog c on c.id = s.i18n_catalog_id left join i18n_target t on t.i18n_source_id=s.id and t.language_id = 2 where c.name='admin.menu' and s.language_id = 2 | [0.0007s] | [8] |
6 | SELECT s.source,t.target from i18n_source s join i18n_catalog c on c.id = s.i18n_catalog_id left join i18n_target t on t.i18n_source_id=s.id and t.language_id = 2 where c.name='default' and s.language_id = 2 | [0.0018s] | [285] |
7 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where i.slug='dane-kondensacyjne1f-termet' | [0.0084s] | [1] |
8 | SELECT count(t.id) from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=171 | [0.0005s] | [1] |
9 | SELECT c0.id AS level0, c1.id AS level1, c2.id AS level2, c3.id AS level3, c4.id AS level4, c5.id AS level5 FROM site_map c0 LEFT JOIN site_map c1 ON c1.id = c0.parent_id and c1.profile_id=1 LEFT JOIN site_map c2 ON c2.id = c1.parent_id and c2.profile_id=1 LEFT JOIN site_map c3 ON c3.id = c2.parent_id and c3.profile_id=1 LEFT JOIN site_map c4 ON c4.id = c3.parent_id and c4.profile_id=1 LEFT JOIN site_map c5 ON c5.id = c4.parent_id and c5.profile_id=1 WHERE c0.page_id=171 and c0.profile_id=1 | [0.0005s] | [0] |
10 | SELECT s.source,t.target from i18n_source s join i18n_catalog c on c.id = s.i18n_catalog_id left join i18n_target t on t.i18n_source_id=s.id and t.language_id = 2 where c.name='html' and s.language_id = 2 | [0.0006s] | [3] |
11 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 join site_map m on t.id=m.page_id and m.profile_id = 1 and m.parent_id is null order by m.ordercol asc | [0.0008s] | [6] |
12 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='home' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
13 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=35 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0009s] | [0] |
14 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='news' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
15 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=338 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0007s] | [0] |
16 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='serwis' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
17 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=54 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0011s] | [2] |
18 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='serwis-cennik' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
19 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=261 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0009s] | [0] |
20 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='serwis2' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
21 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=415 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0009s] | [0] |
22 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='oferta-komplet' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
23 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=366 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0011s] | [2] |
24 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='katalogi' | [0.0009s] | [1] |
25 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=367 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0009s] | [0] |
26 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='archiwum' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
27 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=371 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0027s] | [13] |
28 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kotly-archiwum-2011' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
29 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='Zasobniki-archiwum' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
30 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='systemy-solarne-archiwum' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
31 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='regulatory-archiwum' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
32 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='pompy-ciepla-archiwum' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
33 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='podgrzewacze-archiwum' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
34 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kontrakty-serwisowe' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
35 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kotly-gazowe' | [0.0008s] | [1] |
36 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='podgrzewacze-wody' | [0.0008s] | [1] |
37 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='zasobniki' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
38 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='regulatory' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
39 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='systemy-solarne' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
40 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='pompy-ciepla' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
41 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='poradnik' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
42 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=358 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0013s] | [3] |
43 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='warto-dbac-o-urzadzenie' | [0.0008s] | [1] |
44 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=416 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0016s] | [0] |
45 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='tlenek-wegla-czad' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
46 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=417 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0008s] | [0] |
47 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='termy-czad-bezpieczenstwo' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
48 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=414 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0031s] | [0] |
49 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kontakt' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
50 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=41 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0007s] | [0] |
51 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 join site_map m on t.id=m.page_id and m.profile_id = 1 and m.parent_id is null order by m.ordercol asc | [0.0024s] | [6] |
52 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='home' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
53 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=35 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0008s] | [0] |
54 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='news' | [0.0004s] | [1] |
55 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=338 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0007s] | [0] |
56 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='serwis' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
57 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=54 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0008s] | [2] |
58 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='serwis-cennik' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
59 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=261 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0008s] | [0] |
60 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='serwis2' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
61 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=415 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0008s] | [0] |
62 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='oferta-komplet' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
63 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=366 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.001s] | [2] |
64 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='katalogi' | [0.0009s] | [1] |
65 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=367 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0008s] | [0] |
66 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='archiwum' | [0.0008s] | [1] |
67 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=371 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0015s] | [13] |
68 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kotly-archiwum-2011' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
69 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='Zasobniki-archiwum' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
70 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='systemy-solarne-archiwum' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
71 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='regulatory-archiwum' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
72 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='pompy-ciepla-archiwum' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
73 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='podgrzewacze-archiwum' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
74 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kontrakty-serwisowe' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
75 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kotly-gazowe' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
76 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='podgrzewacze-wody' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
77 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='zasobniki' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
78 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='regulatory' | [0.0006s] | [1] |
79 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='systemy-solarne' | [0.0004s] | [1] |
80 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='pompy-ciepla' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
81 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='poradnik' | [0.0005s] | [1] |
82 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=358 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0012s] | [3] |
83 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='warto-dbac-o-urzadzenie' | [0.0007s] | [1] |
84 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=416 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0009s] | [0] |
85 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='tlenek-wegla-czad' | [0.001s] | [1] |
86 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=417 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0009s] | [0] |
87 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='termy-czad-bezpieczenstwo' | [0.0009s] | [1] |
88 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=414 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0012s] | [0] |
89 | SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kontakt' | [0.0011s] | [1] |
90 | SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=41 order by sc.ordercol asc | [0.0008s] | [0] |
91 | SELECT * from user_account | [0.0003s] | [3] |