Junkers FR 10

Regulator pokojowy

Regulator FR 10 jest regulatorem pokojowym c.o. współpracującym z panelem sterującym Bosch Heatronic® 3. Jest regulatorem bez sterowania czasowego (sterowanie czasowe może zapewnić dodatkowy zegar DT20) Oferuje szereg komfortowych funkcji, które dostosują się do Państwa potrzeb odnośnie centralnego ogrzewania oraz ciepłej wody użytkowej. Idealny do współpracy z kotłami: CERACLASS EXCELLENCE, CERAPUR SMART, CERAPUR COMFORT, CERAPUR ACU, CERAPUR MODUL, CERAPUR MODUL SOLAR.

  • wyświetlacz LCD (temperatura, tryb pracy, kody błędów)
  • bez programowania czasowego
  • możliwość wielu zastosowań do wielu systemów grzewczych
CLOSE | TOGGLE | DB: 0.0498s (91) | TOTAL: 0.086s | MEM: 4.91 MB | PHP: 5.2.17 | TIMEOUT: 3600

Array ( [slug] => reg-junkers-fr10 [_ff_page_id] => 324 )
[session.update] => 1734185392
[user.language_id] => 2

1 SELECT name,value from setting [0.0004s] [37]
2 SELECT * from language where id='2' [0.0008s] [1]
3 SELECT * from profile t left join profile_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where t.id='1' [0.0004s] [1]
4 SELECT s.source,t.target from i18n_source s join i18n_catalog c on c.id = s.i18n_catalog_id left join i18n_target t on t.i18n_source_id=s.id and t.language_id = 2 where c.name='menu' and s.language_id = 2 [0.0007s] [31]
5 SELECT s.source,t.target from i18n_source s join i18n_catalog c on c.id = s.i18n_catalog_id left join i18n_target t on t.i18n_source_id=s.id and t.language_id = 2 where c.name='admin.menu' and s.language_id = 2 [0.0004s] [8]
6 SELECT s.source,t.target from i18n_source s join i18n_catalog c on c.id = s.i18n_catalog_id left join i18n_target t on t.i18n_source_id=s.id and t.language_id = 2 where c.name='default' and s.language_id = 2 [0.001s] [285]
7 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where i.slug='reg-junkers-fr10' [0.0004s] [1]
8 SELECT count(t.id) from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=324 [0.0004s] [1]
9 SELECT c0.id AS level0, c1.id AS level1, c2.id AS level2, c3.id AS level3, c4.id AS level4, c5.id AS level5 FROM site_map c0 LEFT JOIN site_map c1 ON c1.id = c0.parent_id and c1.profile_id=1 LEFT JOIN site_map c2 ON c2.id = c1.parent_id and c2.profile_id=1 LEFT JOIN site_map c3 ON c3.id = c2.parent_id and c3.profile_id=1 LEFT JOIN site_map c4 ON c4.id = c3.parent_id and c4.profile_id=1 LEFT JOIN site_map c5 ON c5.id = c4.parent_id and c5.profile_id=1 WHERE c0.page_id=324 and c0.profile_id=1 [0.0005s] [1]
10 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join page t on s.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.id in(405,412,430,431,341) order by field(s.id,405,412,430,431,341) [0.0006s] [5]
11 SELECT s.source,t.target from i18n_source s join i18n_catalog c on c.id = s.i18n_catalog_id left join i18n_target t on t.i18n_source_id=s.id and t.language_id = 2 where c.name='html' and s.language_id = 2 [0.0004s] [3]
12 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 join site_map m on t.id=m.page_id and m.profile_id = 1 and m.parent_id is null order by m.ordercol asc [0.0005s] [6]
13 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='home' [0.0006s] [1]
14 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=35 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0009s] [0]
15 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='news' [0.0005s] [1]
16 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=338 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0007s] [0]
17 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='serwis' [0.0005s] [1]
18 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=54 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0008s] [2]
19 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='serwis-cennik' [0.0005s] [1]
20 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=261 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0008s] [0]
21 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='serwis2' [0.0005s] [1]
22 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=415 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0007s] [0]
23 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='oferta-komplet' [0.0005s] [1]
24 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=366 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0007s] [2]
25 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='katalogi' [0.0005s] [1]
26 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=367 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0006s] [0]
27 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='archiwum' [0.0004s] [1]
28 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=371 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0009s] [13]
29 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kotly-archiwum-2011' [0.0005s] [1]
30 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='Zasobniki-archiwum' [0.0004s] [1]
31 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='systemy-solarne-archiwum' [0.0004s] [1]
32 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='regulatory-archiwum' [0.0004s] [1]
33 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='pompy-ciepla-archiwum' [0.0004s] [1]
34 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='podgrzewacze-archiwum' [0.0004s] [1]
35 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kontrakty-serwisowe' [0.0005s] [1]
36 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kotly-gazowe' [0.0004s] [1]
37 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='podgrzewacze-wody' [0.0004s] [1]
38 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='zasobniki' [0.0004s] [1]
39 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='regulatory' [0.0004s] [1]
40 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='systemy-solarne' [0.0004s] [1]
41 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='pompy-ciepla' [0.0004s] [1]
42 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='poradnik' [0.0004s] [1]
43 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=358 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0009s] [3]
44 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='warto-dbac-o-urzadzenie' [0.0005s] [1]
45 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=416 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0006s] [0]
46 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='tlenek-wegla-czad' [0.0005s] [1]
47 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=417 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0007s] [0]
48 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='termy-czad-bezpieczenstwo' [0.0004s] [1]
49 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=414 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0006s] [0]
50 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kontakt' [0.0004s] [1]
51 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=41 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0006s] [0]
52 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 join site_map m on t.id=m.page_id and m.profile_id = 1 and m.parent_id is null order by m.ordercol asc [0.0005s] [6]
53 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='home' [0.0005s] [1]
54 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=35 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0007s] [0]
55 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='news' [0.0005s] [1]
56 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=338 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0007s] [0]
57 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='serwis' [0.0005s] [1]
58 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=54 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0007s] [2]
59 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='serwis-cennik' [0.0005s] [1]
60 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=261 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0007s] [0]
61 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='serwis2' [0.0004s] [1]
62 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=415 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0006s] [0]
63 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='oferta-komplet' [0.0004s] [1]
64 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=366 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0007s] [2]
65 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='katalogi' [0.0005s] [1]
66 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=367 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0006s] [0]
67 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='archiwum' [0.0004s] [1]
68 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=371 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0009s] [13]
69 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kotly-archiwum-2011' [0.0005s] [1]
70 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='Zasobniki-archiwum' [0.0004s] [1]
71 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='systemy-solarne-archiwum' [0.0004s] [1]
72 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='regulatory-archiwum' [0.0004s] [1]
73 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='pompy-ciepla-archiwum' [0.0004s] [1]
74 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='podgrzewacze-archiwum' [0.0004s] [1]
75 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kontrakty-serwisowe' [0.0004s] [1]
76 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kotly-gazowe' [0.0004s] [1]
77 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='podgrzewacze-wody' [0.0004s] [1]
78 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='zasobniki' [0.0004s] [1]
79 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='regulatory' [0.0004s] [1]
80 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='systemy-solarne' [0.0004s] [1]
81 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='pompy-ciepla' [0.0005s] [1]
82 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='poradnik' [0.0005s] [1]
83 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=358 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.001s] [3]
84 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='warto-dbac-o-urzadzenie' [0.0005s] [1]
85 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=416 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0007s] [0]
86 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='tlenek-wegla-czad' [0.0005s] [1]
87 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=417 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0006s] [0]
88 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='termy-czad-bezpieczenstwo' [0.0006s] [1]
89 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=414 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0007s] [0]
90 SELECT t.*,i.* from page t left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id = 2 where t.global_slug='kontakt' [0.0007s] [1]
91 SELECT t.*,i.* from site_map s join site_map sc on sc.parent_id = s.id and sc.profile_id=1 join page t on sc.page_id = t.id left join page_i18n i on t.id=i.id and i.language_id=2 where s.page_id=41 order by sc.ordercol asc [0.0008s] [0]
92 SELECT * from user_account [0.0003s] [3]

12:28:23 -- ERROR -- Controller does not exists for module "login". Looked for class "frontendLoginActions" and "ffFrontendLoginActions".
/var/www/vhosts/janecki.com.pl/gazserwis.com/GazSerwis-sklep/web/index.php on line 23
/var/www/vhosts/janecki.com.pl/gazserwis.com/FastCMS-2.0/lib/controller/ffApplication.class.php on line 161 in function dispatch()
/var/www/vhosts/janecki.com.pl/gazserwis.com/FastCMS-2.0/lib/controller/ffApplication.class.php on line 239 in function executeController( "login", "index" )
/var/www/vhosts/janecki.com.pl/gazserwis.com/FastCMS-2.0/lib/exception/ffException.class.php on line 19 in function __construct( "Controller does not exists for module "login". Looked for class "frontendLoginActions" and "ffFrontendLoginActions"." )